Pastebins are online services most commonly used to share large blocks of code in a convenient and efficient manner. The pastebins listed here employ client-side encryption and password protection for pasted content; both of these features prevent the website or server operator from reading or accessing the contents of any paste.
PrivateBin is a minimalist, open-source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. 資料在瀏覽器中使用 256位元AES 來加密/解密。 它是 ZeroBin 的改進版本。
Please note we are not affiliated with any of the projects we recommend. In addition to our standard criteria, we have developed a clear set of requirements to allow us to provide objective recommendations. 我們建議您在選擇使用項目之前先熟悉此列表,並進行自己的研究,以確保它是您的正確選擇。
- 它必須是開源的。
- 必須落實"零信任"端對端加密。
- 必須支援密碼保護檔案。
最佳案例標準代表了我們希望從這個類別的完美項目應具備的功能。 推薦產品可能沒有此功能,但若有這些功能則會讓排名更為提高。
- 應有來自聲譽良好、獨立的第三方公開審查報告。
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